Ma Balise
With a small NFC tag or a QR Code, communicate with your target on their smartphone, in the right place, at the right time,


Ma balise is regularly featured in the media


Award for best innovation at the European cross-border (e-)commerce forum 01 décembre 2021 And, it was the project submitted by the Belgian company Ma Balise, proposing a digital marketing solution […]

On the radio

Retrouvez ici les podcast des différentes émissions radio qui ont parlé de Ma Balise. Radio Prima – Emission Culture Mixte du 18/01/2022 Nous étions ce mardi 18/01 sur les ondes […]

Article in the online press

Article publié sur différents sites de presse en ligne. Article diffusé sur le site de L-Post Article publié sur le Liège Positive au sujet des balises NFC pour les menus […]

In newspapers and magazines

Article published in the newspapers Sud Presse & La Meuse on contactless menus for the catering industry Article published in Mag Liège about our participation in the connecte show in […]


Canal Z, émission Wallonia+ Séquence “La Wallonie qui gagne” During the TV news of RTC Following our Award obtained during the EU-CBEC forum (EUropean Cross Border ECommerce forum), our founder […]