Ma Balise
With a small NFC tag or a QR Code, communicate with your target on their smartphone, in the right place, at the right time,


In newspapers and magazines

Article published in the newspapers Sud Presse & La Meuse on contactless menus for the catering industry

Article extrait du journal La Meuse -Sud Presse- du 03 juin 2020 à propos des menus sans contact pour les bars et restaurant (le secteur Horeca en général) lors de la réouverture au sortir du 1er lockdown.
La Meuse – Sud Presse

Article published in Mag Liège about our participation in the connecte show in Montreal, organized by Printemps Numérique.

Mag Liège

Article published in the Sud Presse & La Meuse newspapers about our participation in the connect show in Montreal, organized by Printemps Numérique.

Article extrait du journal La Meuse -Sud Presse- du 15 octobre 2021 relatant la participation de Ma Balise au salon <MTL> connecte de Montreal, organisé par le Printemps Numérique sous l'invitation de l'AWEX. (Agence Wallone à l'Exportation)
La Meuse – Sud Presse

Ma Balise is cited and referenced among the 10 best service providers in heritage enhancement in Archimag magazine number 366 of July 2023

A table showing the different services offered by these 10 listed companies.
It’s in the magazine, in the “tools” folder from page 32 to 37.

Cover page of Archimag magazine number 366 of July 2023
description of the activities of 4 of the 10 companies. My tag in 2nd column.