Ma Balise
With a small NFC tag or a QR Code, communicate with your target on their smartphone, in the right place, at the right time,


Reader writer NFC

49.99 Ex Tax

Programmer – NFC reader writer

1 in stock



This programmer (chip reader and NFC tag) to be connected to your computer via the USB port.

This device allows you to program all the NFC tags offered by My Beacon.

Compatible with Windows 10 and Mac.

  • Supports ISO 14443 types A and B, FeliCa and all 4 types of NFC marking (ISO / IEC 18092)
  • Supports the new Ultralight C (via pseudo APDUs) and Plus SL1 (4 byte UID on pseudo APDUS) and SL3
  • 424 KBPS SPEED — Read/write speed up to 424 kbps
  • COMPATIBILITY — CCID Compatibility PC/SC Compatibility

Additional information

Weight 150 g